
Trailer Interchange vs. Non-Owned Trailer Coverage

When choosing a type of coverage it is essential to understand which kind pertains to your business. Specifically, the topic can become confusing when talking about Trailer Interchange and Non-Owned Trailer Coverage. Making sure you are familiar with the different types of coverages you can add to your insurance policy helps avoid needing to re-write or cancel mid-term. If you have any questions, contact your insurance agent today.

Non-Owned Trailer Coverage (NOTC) / Non-Owned Physical Damage (NOPD)

Non-owned trailer coverage extends Physical Damage (comprehensive/collision) coverage to a non-owned trailer while attached to a covered (scheduled) power unit on your active policy. Non-owned coverage does require a specific limit that is provided by the owner of the trailer. The limit is the maximum amount that can be paid out in the event of a covered claim. In the event of a covered claim, a third-party adjuster will be assigned to oversee the process and issue payment based on the current market value of the trailer (not exceeding the limit selected).

Trailer Interchange (TI)

Trailer interchange extends to damage(s) while the non-owned trailer is in your care, custody, or control but requires a written agreement between your company and the owner of the trailer to be in force. This agreement is between your company and the owner of the trailer. It will list important details such as trailer information (Year, Make, Model, VIN), Trailer Interchange limit required, dates of the lease, etc. If a written agreement is not presented at the time of the claim, coverage may not be provided.

Differences/Common Questions

Trailer Interchange Non-Owned Trailer Coverage
A written agreement is required to be in place or coverage may be denied
A written agreement is required for each individual trailer or coverage may be denied
The trailer must be attached to a covered power unit in the event of a claim
All providers will allow the addition of this coverage
This coverage allows me to haul any commodities, regardless of my current coverage

As mentioned above, in the event of a claim involving Trailer Interchange, the adjuster requires a copy of the signed Trailer Interchange Agreement between your company and the third party who owns the trailer. If there is not a written agreement provided coverage may be denied.

If you have been provided a Trailer Interchange Agreement from the broker/shipper you are working with, please send that over so we may provide it to the underwriter for review. If you do not have a Trailer Interchange Agreement, we can proceed with quoting Non-Owned Trailer Coverage at the amount requested but recommend checking to make sure Non-Owned Trailer Coverage (or Non-Owned Physical Damage) will be accepted.

Marquee Insurance Group works on behalf of the insured when it comes to dealing with the insurance companies. Give us a call at (833)RING-MIG.

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