Wine Transportation Tips

Wine Transportation Tips

Whether transporting from the port or vineyard, hauling wine as a commodity has specific rules and risks. Understanding these can prevent your claim from being denied in the event of a loss.


Firstly, wine is a delicate product and requires knowledgeable carriers to transport it. There are many costs when it comes to producing and transporting wine. If improperly handled, the wine can spoil, or the bottles can break, costing the shippers and carriers money.

Most often, wine is shipped already bottled. Although it is not typical for carriers to hold the task of packaging, things to remember include:

Way to Transport Wine

According to Kan-Haul, “There are now several options available to wine shippers, including traditional bottle shipping, flexitanks, and ISO tanks.” They continue by explaining the differences between these methods and the pros and cons of each:

Bottle Transport

Although this is the most common form of transportation, there are still limitations.



ISO Tank Hauler

Per the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the ISO tanks are hollow and comprised of stainless steel. ISO tanks are a safe and reliable option for those hauling in bulk. 




Flexitanks incorporate a box trailer filled with large bags or bladders.



Talk to Your Agent

Finally, the most important thing to remember is to update the specifics of your policy to show that you are hauling wine. Additionally, you must hold the proper permits/licenses depending on your state. Make sure you stay in touch with your insurance agent about the commodities you carry. The industry is ever-changing, and in some cases, so is your commodity list. Be sure to keep open the lines of communication.

Marquee Insurance Group is known for its high-quality customer service team. Taking care of our insureds is our top priority. Our customer service team does its best to guide you on the steps for updating your policy. Contact an agent today!

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